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“Manas Satsang”

With the divine blessings of Shri Hanumanji and Shri Ayodhyanath ji along with the invocation of Sant Shri Goswamiji Tulsidasji Maharaj; ‘Manas Satsang’ has embarked on a global mission to spread awareness of the significance of Shri Ramcharitmanas – an epic composed by Sant Shri Tulsidasji.
Shri Ramcharitmanas is considered as one of the greatest work of Indian literature. It sums up our traditional values, customs, culture, social norms and morality in one great epic. It is considered of highest value in various terms, not only in India but abroad as well.

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"Shri Dhavalkumar"

Shri Dhavalkumar is the founder of the organization, ’Manas Satsang’. He is a Gold Medalist and has completed his Master’s degree (M.A) with Sanskrit as his main subject. He further honed his academic skills by completing his M.Phil.

He felt a deep inclination towards religion since a very young age of 12 years. This penchant along with his god-gifted talent of being an amazing table player was like a cherry on the cake. His wonderful and musical rendition of Sundarkand in public since such a tender age (of 12 years) garnered him a lot of praise. He soon became very popular among various organizations. 

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Our Video

Ramkatha - Shri Dhavalkumar

Sunderkand Path - Shri Dhavalkumar